Molesworth Station

The grass

The cattle

The wind

The sun

The stars

The river

The frost

The dew

The flies

The shade

The endless days

of freedom.

-A.S. Acheron River, Molesworth Station, NZ.

At 1800 square kilometres, Molesworth Station is the largest farm in NZ and is located in the North-East highlands. The private road that travels through this property is open from Christmas to Easter, outside of these times the landowner’s permission is required to pass through the locked gates. Pentax MX, 50mm, Ektar 100, April 2024.

Molesworth is one of the coldest and driest places in NZ. It receives an annual rainfall of about 750mm and there is a frost 255 nights of the year. Pentax MX, 50mm, Ektar 100, April 2024.

Awatere River. A lot of the country around Molesworth has been overgrazed, and there is huge erosion on the mountainsides. Apparently it used to be worse than it is now, but some hills have no vegetation at all. Just dirt. Pentax MX, 50mm, Ektar 100, April 2024.

Molesworth station is a remote and beautiful part of the country! Pentax MX, 50mm, Ektar 100, April 2024.