The Arena

“A work of art is good when it is necessary, when it comes from a need. This is the only way to judge it, by its origins…

Maybe it will turn out our vocation is to be an artist. If that is so, take up that destiny and bear it, its burden, its greatness - without ever asking what reward from the outside it may bring you. For he who creates must be a world unto himself, must find everything inside himself and in the Nature to which he devotes himself.”

Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a young poet, Letter 1, 1903

The Arena, left.

The Arena, middle

The Arena, right.

The Arena. Three frame panorama. Hasselblad 500CM, Panf 50 Plus, Nov 2023. Taken in the South-West of lutruwita / Tasmania.
Displayed at the Long Gallery in nipaluna / Hobart as part of the 140th Annual Exhibition of the Art Society of Tasmania.
Exhibition wraps up at 4pm, 15th September 2024.

Along the old Lake Pedder track...

The old track to Lake Pedder can still be found. The trailhead is just past the Sentinels on the Gordon River Road. The start is not obvious, but once you start heading up toward the correct saddle, the track shows up where you need it. The track descends and follows the Swampy Creek valley, then climbs up and terminates on the south-west end of the Coronets.

Bonnie’s Bucket and one of the tentacles of the current ‘Lake Pedder’. Pentax MX, Delta 100, Sep 2023.

We walked along the old Lake Pedder Track in September 2023 with a friend of mine, Samara. I convinced her that we should take a fifty year old A-frame canvas tent as our only shelter. With some reluctance, she agreed. We ended up having a rest day on the second day of the trip, the day intended for summiting the Coronets, due to some classic south-west weather blowing in. Most things that were inside the tent ended up a bit damp. Well okay, maybe some things got saturated. Samara was justifiably grumpy with me. And my ultimate punishment was that the film I shot came out water damaged.

But now as I look back at these photos, and reflect on the drowning of Lake Pedder in 1972, it seems like the film itself is weeping at the loss of Tasmania’s most beautiful lake.

Looking back at the Sentinels. Pentax MX, Delta 100, Sep 2023.

But I’d rather end on a quirky than a tragic note.

I found a can of beer while we were out there, a solid day’s walk from the road! It was a good old cascade lager, in a blue can. Best of all, it hadn’t been cracked. It was on the ridgeline of the Coronets. I stepped a few metres off track to take some photos and as I went to set up my tripod, there it was. A full can of beer on the ground. I had to rub my eyes to believe it.

Well I couldn’t quite leave the can there, and there was no way I would carry the can out in full, so the only sensible thing left to do was to drink it. It was a bit flat, but it tasted like beer. It tasted good.

-A.S. 7/9/24, Lenah Valley

‘Lake Pedder’ from the Coronets, exactly where the three and a half kilometre long quartzite beach rests beneath 15 metres of dark water. Terminal peak on RH. Pentax MX, Delta 100, Sept 2023.

The Sound of Water

“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
- Bruce Lee

Newtown Rivulet. Hasselblad 500CM, Portra 400, Aug 2024.

Mt Sarah Jane. Hasselblad 500CM, Portra 400, Aug 2024.

Buttongrass Moorland, Hasselblad 500CM, Portra 400, Aug 2024.

Angel Falls. Hasselblad 500CM, Portra 400, Aug 2024.

Ignorance and Apathy

The other day a friend of mine asked me what ignorance and apathy meant.
I told him I don’t know and I don’t care. ;)

Boulders and the Sea. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400D, July 2024.

A lot of the world’s troubles can be traced back to a lack of understanding and caring. Either people don’t know any better or they don’t care to do any better. Learning and caring come naturally to some but are elusive to others.

There have certainly been times in my life when I should have known better or should have cared more but I didn’t. Some days I wake up and I am full of quiet hope, ready to meet the world and to do my best. Other days, I wake up and I can’t motivate myself to care deeply about anything and I make a series of decisions that are detrimental to my own and the world’s well-being.

Why is it so hard to stay consistently true to our higher goals?

Rock Garden. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400D, July 2024.

Some of us know better, but fail to care enough to do better. Without shifting responsibility for our own actions, perhaps one reason for this is because we live in an insane society. Who can remain sane when the whole world has gone mad?

Humanity is on a trajectory of self destruction; we are passengers on a bus hurtling towards a cliff and our driver has their foot on the gas. The timeline of this self destruction is quite long and spans many generations; perhaps that’s why the annihilation of life on Earth doesn’t appear as pressing a matter as the rise of interest rates on our mortgages.

We are all witnessing the great tragedy of diminishing biodiversity, catastrophic climate change, overpopulation, and a decimation of the natural systems that support our own existence. And despite having a solid understanding of what the issues are and what some of the potential solutions may look like, as a society, as a species, we are unable to act in a coordinated way to implement those solutions. No matter how many ‘summits’ are held amongst the world’s leaders, emissions continue to increase, land is still being cleared, the oceans are still being exploited.

As an individual that is part of society, no matter how noble or well intentioned our actions are, we are all riding the big old ship of human destiny that seems bound for a terrible maelstrom. Perhaps this is why I wake up some days and I simply don’t care any more. I know that no matter what my actions are, nature is going to be destroyed by myself and my fellow humans as members of an insane society that is founded on the unsustainable use of limited natural resources. Why bother getting out of bed when my existence proliferates the imbalance of the world?

Lemon Rock. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400D, July 2024.

But then something akin to spirit awakens in me and I refuse to give in to apathy. While there is life, there is hope, and while there is hope there is a possibility of altering the trajectory of the future. The prerequisite for change is the belief in its possibility. Even though there are some days when I want to give in and stop caring completely, a little spark always remains and it gives me enough to carry on, to keep caring.

I may live in an insane society, in a horrendously skewed, imperfect world, but I am alive and this is the only life that I know, (or remember). And like Neil Young, I believe ‘it is better to burn out than to fade away’. So I’m going to keep the fire alive, and leave ignorance and apathy to those who don’t know and to those who don’t care.

-A.S. 24/8/24, Lenah Valley.


Clairvoyance /klɛːˈvɔɪəns/: the ability to see beyond the range of ordinary perception.

Zincworks, Derwent River. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400, July 2024.

In the current ‘age of reason’, science has become the new religion. We hold science as our trump card, the method of determining the truth that is to be trusted above all others.

And yet a lot of people still believe in the idea of the soul. That there is an essence of our being which transcends the physical, or ordinary realm and perhaps continues to exist somehow after our bodies have long been eaten by the worms and our bones have become dust and our lives, deeds and actions have long been forgotten.

There are many ways of determining the truth. Science has been proven to be reliable method, and is now the trusted method. But there are things that are outside the realms of science. Science is based on a series of theories and experiments. If a theory is unable to be ‘tested’, then it’s conjecture, philosophy, and to some, not worth knowing.

And yet, our stories, and dreams imply that there is a world beyond the world of knowing that we are all familiar with. There are stories of people who are able to perceive a deep truth in things in ways that are difficult to understand with a logical brain. There are stories of traditional healers, shamans traveling through the spirit world to solve problems in the real world.To retrieve souls that have been stolen or lost. Stories, dreams, imaginings. Intangible, unfalsifiable, mysterious as the morning fog on the river.

I used to believe that science was the only way of understanding things. The older I get, the more I start to think that there are many ways of knowing things. Some people have a logical brain, some people have an intuitive brain. There are different kinds of problems out there that require different approaches to be solved and often a problem may have multiple solutions.

Zincworks, Derwent River, Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400, July 2024.

Clairvoyance in my mind, doesn’t need the introduction of ‘supernatural’ abilities to be viable. Clairvoyance could simply be the ability to make a prediction about the future that would seem uncanny to the observer. It could theoretically be done with normal senses, but perhaps with a sprinkle of extraordinary insight. I don’t think we need to step outside the laws of physics to allow for the possibility of some people out there having an incredible sensitivity toward the world, and perceiving a greater depth to reality than others.

The difference between science and clairvoyance might be smaller than we expect. Clairvoyance means possessing the ability to predict the occurrence of certain events. But isn’t this what science does as well? The supercomputers that run the meteorologist’s models are able to predict the future beyond what might be possible with the human senses alone. But to the person without a background in physics, mathematics and computer programming, the process of modern weather forecasting is inherently mysterious.

In the same way, a particularly ‘intuitive’ or perceptive person may be able to pick up on subtle clues to discern truths, notice patterns and make predictions that may appear astounding to someone who is bound to a purely logical existence.

The need to explain every occurrence in rational terms has become the current zeitgeist, spirit of the times. But some parts of the universe are inherently irrational, unpredictable, chaotic.

And sometimes, the universe can surprise us.

-A.S. 17/8/24

Zincworks, Derwent River. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400, July 2024.

The Source of the Nile...

“I thought back to a dream I had nearly forgotten; to be a wilderness photographer, living the simple, quiet life. Not getting involved in politics, activism, the world. Just focusing on one thing. Taking photos. Paying attention to the shifting of the light. Doing my quiet work and nothing else. Removing myself from the mad rush society expects of us. Relinquishing everything else, just focusing on the thing that matters. Getting to know Tasmania, inch by inch at a time. Spending my days wandering in quiet solitude. Being one with the land. Giving up fighting the fights I cannot win. Printing each image only once, to represent the moment that will never happen again. Becoming what I must be.”

-A.S. 19.6.2024, near the source of the Nile River

Reflection in waterway. Near the source of the Nile River, Ben Lomond Plateau. Lutruwita / Tasmania. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400, July 2024.

The Southern End of the Ben Lomond Plateau. Lutruwita / Tasmania. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400, July 2024.

Proud Pinnacle, near Stacks Bluff. Lutruwita / Tasmania. Hasselblad 500CM, Cinestill 400, July 2024.

New Zealand 2024 - Highlights Reel

‘So, how was your trip to New Zealand!?’

This simple question is always going to be difficult to answer, especially when this trip contained everything from spine tingling terror to ecstatic joy and everything else in between. Two months on the road living life by holding onto a shoestring, or more accurately by holding the handlebars on a bicycle with the freedom to chose where to steer, moment by moment, hour to hour, day to day; it’s impossible to wrap it all up in a single sentence. So I won’t even try.

But I will share some of my most memorable moments and experiences from my cycle touring trip this year, from Queenstown to Auckland on two wheels, by the least direct route possible allowed by two months.

The following photo essay is an attempt to wrap up the story of my bike touring trip to New Zealand. For me, this is a story that will remain open, for I would like to return to the land of the long white cloud one day. The wilderness of New Zealand holds deep allure for the adventurer; promises many wonders and many dangers.

Please saviour the following highlights reel from my New Zealand photographs, all of which were shot over six rolls of 35mm colour negative film on an all-mechanical- Pentax MX camera equipped with a 50mm prime lens.

If you enjoy this posts, please consider sharing it with others and subscribing if you haven’t already.

Thanks for reading. :)

-A.S. 3/8/2024

My first view of the Southern Alps, Kā Tiritiri o te Moana, South Island,Te Waipounamu. These mountains were in the cloud the entire time I rode my bike up the West Coast. I guess I may have to go back…?
Pentax MX, Kodak Image Pro 100, April 2024.

The view from the historic steamship, built the same year as the Titanic, the Earnslaw, Lake Wakatipu. Pentax MX, Kodak Image Pro 100, April 2024.

The tourer in Fiordland. This was after a day trip to Milford Sound, so panniers were not loaded on bike. What a place! Pentax MX, Kodak Pro Image 100, April 2024.

Mitre Peak, Milford Sound. The sound of engines of buses, boats, helicopters, planes and cars dominated the otherwise peaceful little bay. Milford Sound has power and beauty, and it draws people to it. I just wish people went about it in a more quiet manner. Pentax MX, Kodak Image Pro 100, April 2024.

I met this Japanese cycle tourer in Haast, and he had been on the road for three years. He had an enormous amount of gear on his bike. When I asked him how he was going, he said to me : “ So tired, every day.”. But then the next morning, despite clearly having some mechanical difficulties, he was full of stoke to keep going. What a legend! Pentax MX, Cinmax BW, April 2024.

The west coast of the South Island, land of waterfalls. Pentax MX, Cinmax BW, April 2024.

Cabbage Tree. Pentax MX, Cinmax BW, April 2024.

Rimu Tree, one of New Zealands many ancient endemic conifers. Pentax MX, Cinmax BW, April 2024.

The retreating Fox Glacier. It used to be visible from the road about 20 years ago. Now, it requires a 45 min walk (or 15 min bike ride) to get a view of it. It was a little bit underwhelming, but I was still happy to have seen it at all. Pentax MX, Cinmax BW, April 2024.

Punakaiki, aka Pancake Rocks. Halfway between Greymouth and Westport. Amazing coastal rock formations and weathering. Pentax MX, Cinestill 50, April 2024.

The view from near Cape Foulwind. Pentax MX, Cinestill 50, April 2024.

The big wide open road. Waiting. Pentax MX, Cinestill 50, April 2024.

Molesworth Station. It’s one of New Zealand’s biggest cattle farms, and driest inland areas. There is a frost nearly 250 nights of the year. Pentax MX, Ektar 100, April 2024.

Taranaki, the frozen volcano. This mountain humbled me. Pentax MX, Ektar 100, April 2024.

Pastured hills, Forgotten World Highway. This road leads to the Republic of Whongamomona, a quirky little town where the locals declared independence a few years ago. Pentax MX, Cinestill 400, May 2024.

Sheep and grass. North Island, Te Ika-a-maui. Pentax MX, Ektar 100, April 2024.

New Zealand, the land of cattle and sheep. Pentax MX, Cinestill 400, May 2024.

A magical cloud forest on the Timber Trail from Ongarue to Pureora. Pentax MX, Cinestill 400, May 2024.

Poukani, the oldest known Totara Tree. Pentax MX, Cinestill 400, May 2024.

Rain brewing, Coromandel Peninsula. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Hot Water Beach, Coromandel Peninsula. Take your own shovel, dig a hole in the sand on the beach at low tide and the water may fill up with hot water. The trick is knowing where to dig. Luckily I didn’t have to dig as I didn’t have a shovel. I was given a hole already dug by someone else that had filled up with thermal water. I sat in my own little hot pool right there on the beach for hours and watched the tide come in, surrounded by people doing the same thing. I hadn’t had so much fun since I was about 5 years old! Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Port Jackson, my favourite campsite in all of Aotearoa. Land of the long white cloud. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Tairua. Mount Paku. The grass really is a bit greener in New Zealand. Pentax MX, Kodak Portra 800, May 2024.

In Defense of Solitude

True solitude is found in wild places, where one is without human obligation.” - Wendell Berry

“Solitude is not chosen, any more than destiny is chosen. Solitude comes to us if we have within us the magic stone that attracts destiny.”- Herman Hesse

Kunanyi Sunrise. Pentax MX, Kodak Image Pro 100. Available as an A4 print.

Solitude is not the same as loneliness or isolation. Solitude takes place when there are no other people around us. Loneliness can occur in the middle of a city, where we are surrounded by people. Isolation is often enforced, where our actions and choices are limited.

Cushion Plants, Eldon Bluff. Pentax MX, Kodak Ektar 100, Jan 2019. Available as an A4 print.

Solitude implies quiet acceptance and freedom to be our self. Solitude can take place at home, in nature, anywhere we may chose to be alone. Solitude implies a quiet place where our thoughts can come to us unbidden.

Being alone isn’t always easy but there is always something to learn from it. To figure out who we truly are, we need to be alone. Creative thought arises only in solitude.

The interesting thing about solitude is that it always circles back to the people we love and who want us back.

-A.S., 24/7/2024

Clouds and the Sea. Pentax MX, Kodak Portra 400, 2019. To be exhibited as part of the ‘Atmospheric’ exhibition at the Lady Franklin Gallery, Lenah Valley in August 2024.

Port Jackson

“Please leave toilet seat up after use. It helps with the ventilation”- sign in public toilet, Port Jackson.

Pohutukawa -New Zealand Christmas Tree, North Island / Te Ika-a-Maui. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

King Country

Timber stands tall
Till it comes down
Trucks roll down
The dirt road.

Green sweet grass
It grows in the rain
The cows, the sheep
Eat it all day.

-A.S. 13/5/2024, Ongarue.

Coastal pastures, contour lines made by livestock. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Sweet as bro

I will remember the moment always
When I topped the ridge in the cloud forest
Mist swirling through the trees,
Victory tune playing in my head.

The moment of perfect absorption
As if nothing else truly mattered,
The ecstatic bliss of being present
Of this moment being worthy of attention.

The way the trees just stood there,
The forest path winding,
My bicycle’s wheels finding
Their way on the pumice.

When everything melts away
All the possibilities narrow down to one
We become what we see
We learn to become the sun.

-A.S. - Port Jackson 24/5/'2024

Green and windy. Pentax MX, Portra 800 May 2024.

A tooth for a truth

The wheels have turned
The country slipped me by;
Rolling green hills,
Mountains brooding in cloud.

To see, to speak,
The forgotten shrouds,
Silk curtains parting
To reveal the clowns.

Home among strangers
Where the truth
Is novelty, not some
Troublesome cloak we wear.

Home in the long white cloud
That appears over a narrow
Strip of land on a fault line;
The great calm ocean around.

A.S. 30/5/24 - Auckland

The narrow and winding road to Port Jackson. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Particularly pretty puddle. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Pohutukawa Tree, also known as New Zealand Christmas tree for its red flowers. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Golden hour. Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.

Port Jackson. Is that a long white cloud? Pentax MX, Portra 800, May 2024.