
“What is wild cannot be bought or sold, borrowed or copied. It is. Unmistakable, unforgettable, unshamable, elemental as earth and ice, water, fire and air, a quintessential pure spirit, resolving into no constituents. Don’t waste your wildness: it s precious and necessary. In wildness, truth. Wildness is the universal songline, sung in green gold, which we recognise the moment we hear it. What is wild is what drives the honeysuckle, what wills the dragonfly, shoves the wind and compels the poem. Wildness is insatiable for life; neither truly knows itself without the other. Wildness- sucks up the now, it blazes your eyes and it glories in everyone who willfully goes their own way.”

-Jay Griffiths

Sunrise over the Picton Valley, Pentax MX, Portra 400, 2019.

Alpine mushroom. Pentax MX, Portra 400, 2019.

Mt Anne, Pentax MX, Portra 400, 2019.

Cushionplant colony, Pentax MX, Portra 400, 2019.